Practice Areas
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Practice Areas
Private Clients
Advice prior to arrival
Work permit requirements and immigration (for non-EEA, non-Swiss nationals);
Arranging residence documents (for EEA and Swiss nationals);
Setting up a Trade Representative Office;
Planning for issues connected with healthcare, education, child care and buying, owning and renting property.
After arrival
Renting and owning property, establishing and terminating leases over office space and residential properties;
Renewing work permits and residence documents;
Arranging for family permits for non-EU national family members;
Establishing and applying for permanent residence for EU and non-EU national expats and family members;
Taxation of employment income and benefits in kind (including vehicles, bonuses, apartments, and COLAs) including double-taxation agreements;
Employment share incentive schemes;
Issues connected with receiving healthcare, insurance claims and education both within Bulgaria and cross-border within the EU.