NBLO Lawyers Attend the 2022 International Bar Association Conference in Miami
4 November 2022This year, the annual International Bar Association (IBA) Conference took place at the Miami Beach Convention Centre, between 30 October and 4 November. It was the first time that the conference had been able to return to an in-person format since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Three of NBLO’s lawyers – Kamen Shoylev, Petro Tyufekchiev, and Sylvia Vitlarova – were in attendance.
The IBA Conference is the foremost international event in the legal calendar. It brings together legal professionals from across the world to share their knowledge and experience and make new contacts. Consequently, it serves as the opportune occasion for global networking. Given NBLO’s international outlook and their specialism in cross-border disputes, our representatives welcomed the chance to meet with delegates from firms based in a wide range of jurisdictions, including South Korea, Japan, Israel, and the USA.
The IBA Conference featured an extensive and diverse programme of speeches, workshops, and sessions. Highlights of the opening ceremony included keynote speaker, Lionel Barber, former editor of the Financial Times, and video addresses from world political leaders, who emphasised the importance of the law and justice in international business. There were also a number of sessions held on NBLO’s areas of expertise. These included the legal issues posed by new classes of digital assets (i.e., cryptocurrencies and NFOs) and the regulation of AI, how cross-border legal services have been affected by the shift to online working, and international co-operation in corruption investigations.